
If you found this page it is currently under construction and when it is running message will be posted across social media and email to announce it is up and running.

I have built this site to accompany the Handbook that I created to help my unit. You will find the same info here that is in the Handbook but I will be posting additional info to help as well.

The idea of the Handbook is to be a quick reference guide when someone takes over a program and does not know where to start. It gives you a starting spot from my point of view, this is how I have tackled being a Master Driver at different levels.

From working the admin portion with all the paperwork for driver packets and making sure you have the most up to date publications, the task can seem very daunting when falling in on a program that has been neglected.

Let’s face it most of our programs are not the top priority for unit leadership, that is until it is time to go to a major training exercise. Then everyone wants it to get done a week before we roll out the door.

We as the Stewart of the Army Driver Training program, be it active duty, reserve unit or national guard the basic principles of running a program are the same. I realize that everyone’s program has some differences based on equipment type or mission set but we all still have to follow the regulations and training guidelines and that is what I try to focus on so that what I publish can be use across the board.